Intact, under-patrolled forests harbor widespread prey but a male-biased tiger population in the Ulu Masen Ecosystem, Sumatra, Indonesia.
Tiger-targeted protection is urgently needed to ensure the species’ persistence in Ulu Masen which, together with the adjacent Leuser Ecosystem, represents the largest contiguous tig
Snaring in a stronghold: Poaching and bycatch of critically endangered tigers in northern Sumatra, Indonesia
Wire-snare poaching is increasingly recognized as a major threat to endangered large carnivores in Africa and Asia. However, empirical information on the extent and distribution of snaring remains extremely limit
Clustered conflicts in disturbed lowlands characterize human–tiger interactions in Aceh, Indonesia.
Conflict with humans is a severe threat to critically endangered Sumatran tigers Panthera tigris sumatrae. To better inform human-tiger conflict (HTC) management in Aceh, Sumatra, we analysed 96 cases of HTC.
Presentasi (ppt) disampaikan pada Webinar Nasional 02 Februari 2022
The report highlights aspects of HEC in Aceh including typology and root causes, and also provides practical recommendations on infrastructure and economic development that are elephant friendly. These are realistic solutions that can be adopted by the government to reduce HEC in the long term.
Leuser International Foundation
Janine Grant Consulting
Renaldi Safriansyah
Said Fauzan Baa'bud
Mengenal Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser (KEL) dan Mengetahui Manfaatnya bagi kehidupan Kita.
Islamic Friday Sermons on the environment in Bahasa & English.
1st edition: 2007
2nd edition: 2016
ISBN 978-602-95896-2-7
Prof Dr. Tgk. H. Muslim Ibrahim, MA - Head of MPU Aceh
Tgk. H. Faisal Ali - Vice Head of MPU Aceh
Drs. Tgk. H. Ismail Yacob – Head of Syuyukh Council, Aceh
Drs. Tgk. H. Gazali Mohd. Syam - MPU Aceh Drs.
Tgk. H. A. Rahman Kaoy – Vice Head of Aceh Adat Council
Drs. H. Syamsul Rijal, M. Ag – Head of Commission C, MPU Aceh
Drs.H. RA. Syauqas Rahmatillah, MA - Member of MPU Aceh
Dr. Tgk. H. Abdul Gani Isa, SH, M.Ag – Experts of MPU Aceh
Buku Ajar Leuser berisi pendidikan konservasi untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama /MTSn dan Sederajat.
Ide cerita oleh YLI & Dwianto Setyawan. Naskah oleh Dwianto Setyawan. Diterbitkan pertama kali Desember 2007.
Ide cerita oleh YLI & Dwianto Setyawan. Naskah oleh Dwianto Setyawan. Diterbitkan pertama kali pada bulan Juli 2008.